Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Who AM I, was developed to teach men and women, boys and girls about who they are in God, through Jesus Christ. The truth of the matter is we all deal with trying to define ourselves, wanting to know our purpose, why we are here, who we are and if we are important?

As I grew up I struggled with this very question. I thought that my purpose as a young girl was to get married, have children and raise a family. Some of that is true, God did say "be fruitful and multiply", but that is not all He said about me or you for that matter. It took me a while to learn that. Nevertheless, through engagements, broken marriages, and then getting to know God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit I began to come to the knowledge of who I was. On this journey(because I am still learning) I began to understand that I am not the things that the world, people close to my heart or situations or circumstances that came about in my life tried to make me. I am more than a conqueror, the righteousness of God through Christ, joint Heir to the Throne of God in Christ Jesus. I am Royalty, a Queen, the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, bless coming in the city and bless going out, a peculiar person of God, the redeemed of the Lord, a woman of God, Minister of the Gospel, Worshipper, Prayer warrior, Teacher, role model, leader, a virtuous woman, devoted to her creator the lover of my soul.

I am a woman of destiny and purpose who is on a mission from God to educate, empower and train anyone with a willing heart to be free in Jesus! To God be all the glory, honor, dominion and power now and forever!

Wife & mother of 2 beautiful children Minister Michelle Ragland

WHO AM I? What Am I all about?

Why is it important to know who you really are?

Over decades and decades before Jesus Christ even walked the earth boys, girls, men and women alike have always been searching to find the meaning of their lives. Who Am I? Why Am I here? This journey has taken people to some meaningless but meaningful experiences in their lives. People have gone to extreme measures to "find themselves", going from state to state, into foreign lands to find their ancestry, where they came from, if they are royalty, if they came from slaves,etc. Sometimes they find things that connect them to bad lineages, evil things and sometimes good but never a true defining moment.

We can search all over this planet and never find the truth of who we are. Our mothers and fathers can't tell us unless they have come to the true knowledge of themselves. It's is a long, painful, tearful, stressful, disappointing, depressing, and trying climb for some but for others that stop trying to find their answers in the world, it tends to be a shorter route to travel. Why? Keep reading and find out!

Why is it important to know who you are?

If you don't know who you are, then the world can put any label they want on you! When I was young I use to sing a song, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". I don't know where it came from but for years I really believed it but it is definitely not true. The names I was called, the things said to me by people close to my heart really did hurt me, because the words we speak have power, a power to make someone love who they are or hate themselves and others.

Through Subliminal messaging the world of advertising both verbal and non-verbal tells us what to like, what to eat, what to drink, what to buy, what we should look like, what kind of house or car we should have or even what music is cool to listen to. Peer pressure acts as the same kind of motivator. Whether young or old we all have peer pressure or a realm of influence because as human beings we want to be accepted but what we should not have to be something that we are not, or do something illegal or immorally wrong to be accepted by the people we call family or friends. Unfortunately in a lot of situations this is the case. Can we stand for righteousness and still be accepted? YES!


Why am I searching?

Every human being on the face of the earth wants to know that they have a purpose in the grand scheme of things. That the reason they survived horrific challenges, abuse, and miraculous escapes from burning buildings, car accidents, and failed attempts at destroying their very will to live is because there is meaning, a particular reason for their being. They couldn't be more………………RIGHT!!!!!


Where do I look?

The answer to this question I not hard to find, actually it is very simple! It only takes a few simple steps, research and some personal time doing something you do so well, just redirected in another point of interest that leads all the efforts back to the question at hand, finding out who you are.

We must first go back to the creation of everything! I f you believe you were created by a big boom…… then there is nothing for you to reference, because you actually came from nothing. The world and human life can in no way come from nothing, if so where did we get our intelligence? Nothing from nothings leaves exactly that, nothing! Nothing at all!

Do we look at where our parents came from? Again if you believe that the world was created by a big boom and that everything evolved from that, everything you are still coming to the same answer a big zero! Scientist is always experimenting using human DNA, creating, cloning but was there a scientist around when the big BOOM happened? Of course not, and I don't know about you but I know I did not come from an ape! Sure they maybe some similarities in the skeletal structures but what does that mean? Not that HUMANKIND came from an ape, but did you ever think it could be the opposite way around?

New Creation thinking! Where did it all begin? The inspired word of the ALMIGHTY GOD, our CREATOR!

In the first chapter, we find our creator, a void earth and the beginning of the world as we see it today.

You must have faith in the Creator before you can have any understanding about yourself and why He created you!

Let's research this now!


  1. Who AM I? before answering this question we must first know WHO created us.
    1. ELOHIM – God, our Creator, the Strong one who keepeth covenant, Preserver of the human race.
    2. ADONI – Lord, Master, He is Lord over us, He owns us.

  1. My creation (male & female)
    1. Image- of the relations between God the father, God the Son(Christ), God the Holy Spirit and man. (a) of a man as he was created being a visible representation of God. (1 Cor. 11:7)
    2. Created in "their image and their Likeness", Formed by hand and copyright protected.
    3. Woman- formed from the rib of man by God and offered as a gift, wife, helpmeet. (Gen. 2:22-25)
  2. My relationship with my Creator.
    1. Chosen before creation of the world

      Ephesians 1: 4, " Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in love…"

    2. Jeremiah 1: 5, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.."
    3. Romans 8: 29, " For whom He for knew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren."


  1. You must be born again!
    1. "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10: 9)
    2. " Unless one is born of the water and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (John 3: 5)
    3. Joint heirs with Christ ( Romans 8:16-17)


  1. Eternal Life
  2. Direct line of communication with God through Christ
  3. Provision
  4. Miracles
  5. Healing
  6. Blessings
  7. 1oo fold return in service
  8. Protection
  9. Power
  10. Comforted by the Holy Spirit
  11. God will never leave you or forsake you!
  12. God will work all things out for your good
  13. God will never put more on you than you can bear
  14. You are more than a conquorer
  15. You are the Righteousness of God through Christ
  16. You weapon formed against you shall prosper
  17. You are an overcomer and have already overcome the world
  18. No longer a slave to sin
  19. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus

    I can go on and on about the promises of God for you but you must experience them for yourself!!!!!!!!!

WHO AM I?" Defining yourself through knowledge

Read (Gen. 1-2:1-7) Creation of the world & man (Gen. 2:21-25)

  1. Who created me?(Gen. 1:26)

  1. How was I created? (Gen. 2:7)

  1. What was I created for? (Gen. 1:26-28)

  1. What causes me to have an identity crisis? (Gen. 3:1 & 4-5)

Who Am I in everyday choices?

  1. Why do we try to conform to what the world, friends, & others say is cool or acceptable?

  1. Why is it so hard to be set apart or different?

  2. What type of music do you listen to?

  1. Who is your favorite artist?

  1. Why are they your favorite artist?

  1. What do they represent?

  1. What does the music you listen to talk about?

  1. How do you feel when you listen to it?

  1. Is it possible to lose the truth of yourself, trying to live to please others or be acceptable and approved by others?

  1. Do you try to dress the way you see people dress on TV?


I f you have any comments you may send them by email to:


Or write to:

Saint John Baptist Church

1532 Cow Road

Buffalo Junction, VA

For speaking engagements contact:

Michelle Ragland




God's Anointed Women of the Word, Inc.

1068 Skylark Trail

Virgilina, VA 24598