Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is Faith? How do I use it in my life?


By Michelle Ragland

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1; 11:6

Definitions: Webster's American Collegiate Dictionary


                "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."(Hebrews 11:1)

Faith > a confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea or thing. 2) Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

4) Belief and trust in God!!!

Other words that symbolize faith or the acting of faith:

Faithful, Loyal, true, constant, steadfast, staunch, resolute, devoted, trustworthy.

These adjectives mean: Firm, unchanging in attachment to a person, cause or the like,

Faithful> a long undeviating devotion.

Now that we have gotten that tidbit of information out of the way let us see how this applies to the body of believers:

If faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, than it means we must be expecting something that we can't see(physically or for years to come) in order to have faith in it! Jesus said to His disciples "blessed are those who believe but have not seen", in regards to the unbelief of the disciples who were with him at the time but still did not understand the magnitude of His purpose and destiny. Even after Jesus went to the cross, was resurrected and appeared to the disciples, Thomas (whom they call doubting Thomas) said until he can see the nail prints in His hands(Jesus) and the holes in His feet he would not believe. Now Jesus had taught them while they were learning all things from Him about His death and resurrection and they (some of them) still did not understand until He was face to face with them and they could see the manifestation of the word. Now Faith, says we are blessed because we believe and have not seen, maybe will never see or experience, but because we trust the word of God we have a spirit of expectation of the promise.

Faith drives prayer, because without faith there is no reason to pray, no reason to study to show ourselves approved unto the God of our Salvation, matter of fact there would be no Salvation because we are saved by faith.

"But without Faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must come believing that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."(Hebrews 11:6)

If Faith is needed to please God that means again that it is an action that is without the evidence of physical manifestation. You just do it! We have not seen Jesus because we not on this earth at the time of his physical existence, but we believe in Him. That's Faith! We didn't see any of the acts in the bible happen or witness any of the miracles but we have a belief and trust in God. If we can trust the people at our place of employment to have our paychecks according to the time we have worked, to be there tomorrow, to pay us retirement when we retire, and to cover their part of our insurance then why can't we put our trust in God for lifestyle changes, health, deliverance, and freedom?

In Abrahams day, He was considered blessed by God according to his Faith and his faithfulness (look at the definition of faithful), that was before Jesus, then there was Paul who after his conversion experience he built many churches and had steadfast faith (another example of faithfulness), that was after Jesus. These two are examples of faithfulness and strength( getting to my next point), which means that the faith of the saints of old is the same faith saints need to exhibit today.

"The Strong must bare the infirmities of the weak."

Those in the church that have steadfast faith, that are prayerful, study and have compassion for God's people, must lift up and nurture those in the body that are babes. You can't keep the nutrients from the meat of the word to yourself, but you must spread the wealth and wisdom of God's word to those He directs you to. We have come so wrapped up in ourselves and the lives of our families that we have forgotten the community of believers that we are commanded by God to also encourage, educate and inspire by the word of God. I have been called a devil, unspiritual, and only God knows what else just because I desire to please God by spreading the essence of word as He directs me. "My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge" the word says, and where does wisdom come from? The Holy Spirit of God, the comforter, the one who leads and guides you in all truth.

There are people hurting, walking around in pain everywhere especially in the church. They don't know what to do to get out of their situation or they know the scriptures to read but not how to apply them to their lives.

We believe God for STUFF, materialistic things but not for lifestyle changes, not for healing or deliverance, we don't seem to have enough faith or power for that. That is probably why we are walking around with cancer, addicted to drugs & alcohol, marriages busted up, families fighting against each other, separation in the church, people fighting against the spirit of depression……. The strong must bare the infirmities of the weak. We want all that God can give us that can be placed in our hands, but healing is what we need, deliverance is what our soul is crying out for.

If you have faith enough to pray, than you can lay all your problems at the feet of Jesus and healing will come, if you begin to worship Him for what has done for you through His Son Jesus, Deliverance will come now.

Be healed through faith from that cursing demon, the spirit of confusion, the spirit of Homosexuality, disobedience to God, wrath, un-forgiveness whatever you are struggling with.


Holy, merciful and great God, God of wisdom, Power and Dominion, thank you for your protection, grace and mercy, for wisdom and understanding of your word, oH God, and Thank You for Your Son Jesus who died for me on the Cross. Lord forgive me for anything that is in my heart and is not pleasing to you and help me that I may live out the wisdom of your word that you may be glorified. Help me Lord that I may submit myself to you and be an encourager to others, lifting them up to you in prayer, and being a nurturer through your unconditional love, in your son Jesus name ,Amen.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

God’s Anointed Women of the Word, Inc. Vol. 1 Issue 3 Newsletter & Discussion Forum


The truth about abortion:

Experience vs. Rhetoric

Silent no more is a pro-life organization that was founded in 2002 to help Women and men to heal after the traumatic effects of having or experiencing through no choice of their own an abortion of an unborn child.

Mrs. Georgette Forney, who was 16 years old when she had an abortion did not begin the healing process until she was age 35. She had at that time begun to be involved in the pro-life movement. In 2002 she joined up with Priest for Life, Associate Director Janet Morana, and began the silent no more awareness organization. Silent no more awareness believes that it is not just the information that is given to educate others about the effects, or procedures of abortions but those personal testimonies will help women and men choose life for their unborn child.

Silent No More Awareness is a Campaign whereby Christians make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women and men. The campaign seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion.

The goals of silent no More is to educate the public that abortion is harmful emotionally, physically and spiritually with lasting consequences. They believe that abortion should be unnecessary and unthinkable. While abortion must be addressed on many fronts- including the legal, political and ethical arenas- Silent No More Awareness Campaign addresses abortion by personal testimony that touches the hearts.


How can I get involved or get more information:

* (to register and get the monthly campaign updates)

Contact Info:

Georgette Forney

President, Anglicans for Life


Phone: 800-707-6635

Janet Morana

Associate Director, Priest for Life


Phone: 888-735-3448

Thought of the Day:

If God knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb, than we were already in existence only in need of a physical (natural) body. In the bible there are several stories two in particular that speak of God's ordained plan concerning the birth of persons predestined to live out prophecy. One of those people was John the Baptist. In Luke the first chapter it explains the plan and purpose of God in regards to the birth of John, who we find out later was to prepare the people for the coming Messiah saying, "Repent, the kingdom of Heaven is near", and baptizing all those that heard the call. His purpose was to bring others to the truth and faith of God and His Son Jesus that was coming to die on the cross for our sins. Now, if God predestined John, and He knew You and Me before we were formed in our mother's wombs, and being Christians we know that the devil can't procreate, that leaves the reality that the world does not want us to know. We are killing (with every abortion) the destiny, purpose and plan of God! We need to Wake UP! It's not About Us, It's About Jesus!

Michelle Ragland

Pres. G.A.W.W. Ministry, Inc.




Priceless Princess


No matter what you are going through in life, you shouldn't let your friends or your families tell you what to do with your life. If you have any problems you should go to God and pray about it or go to an adult that you can talk to, who has a relationship with and loves the Lord. They could probably help you.

When your friends try to get you to something you know you shouldn't do, like having sex with a boy or a girl, or even trying to get you to do drugs, both of these are wrong and maybe you should separate yourself from these types of friends. You can even have family who will try to do anything to get you to do the wrong things, drinking, smoking, having premarital sex or cheating on test, sometimes even stealing. That's why you have to put God first in your life and trust in Him because even your family can lead you astray. I have experienced some of these issues with my family and friends. I was having a problem in my life trying to deal with my father not being there for me when I was little and then my two older brothers left home. As I grew up living with my mom going from house to house while she worked long hours was hard for me. Going through life without a father and having a
mother who worked all the time will mess with a young child mind and their soul. They tend to feel lonely, afraid, confused or even unwanted or like a burden on the parent that is there(because they have to work to take care of you) but know that if your parent is God fearing that things will work out and they see you as a blessing and not a burden. The best thing for you to do to help yourself is to go to God and pray about all your problems, and wait on Him. The bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (Prvbs. 3:5-6) If you pray to God, study His word and believe, God will help you every time


By: Ebony Ogburn





God's Anointed Women of the Word is a not-for –profit Christian organization that was formed and founded: to Educate, Empower, and Train up the women of the world in life, leadership, love and ministry. Teaching them of the cause of Jesus Chirst that women would live out their purpose, walk in their destiny and glorify God with their lives. Helping women to tap into the power and authority of God, by studying His word, healing of our hearts and the renewing of our minds.


To Join G.A.W.W. go to our website

email at

God's Anointed Women of the Word, Inc.

God' Word For Being Rejected And Overlooked

Kissed OR Dissed











Sunday, December 7, 2008

God's Anointed Women of the Word, Inc.

The family that had the fire resides in Warren County, North Carolina.

God's Anointed Women of the Word, Inc.- outreach progam

It has been brought to the attention of some of G.A.W.W. Members that there had been a fire the week of Thanksgiving, right before and the family lost everything except their three lives.
The Husband, Wife and 4year old son got out of the house by the grace of God and are safe and without harm but they are in desperate need and Christmas is fastly approaching us.

I have their clothing sizes, but instead of purchasing clothing or doing a clothes drive why not just take up donations of $20/ person or member and put that on a Wal-mart gift card to give to the family? i received a small box of food items to give to the family and if you would like to donate any, non-perishable food items and or the $20 donation towards the gift card please contact me:
Michelle Ragland