Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Hang- Out Bowling Fellowship!

First Women & Girls Fellowship Outing

Mission: To unite Women and Girls in Fellowship, study and fun! Educating them through Relationships and study of the wordl of God. That they may develope stronger, more intimate relatioships with God and with others!

Company Overview:

An outreach of Kingdom Restorers Ministry International and an addition to Gods Anointed Women of the World Outreach Ministries!


God created you in such splendor, He made in the simulatude of Himself, and He knows the very intimate thoughts and concerns of your heart. He desires for you to know Him in the same way! God Desires that you know Him for who and what He is in your personal experiences, it doesn't matter the sin your in, what you did last night or this morning, God has made provision for you to have that intimate relationship with Him.

God loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die the death that your sin have condemned you to die, and if you believe that you can begin walking in your new life today! The bible says:

"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

So all you have to do is believe and confess that Jesus was Gods son who bore your sins on the cross and died your death you were to die, and believe that God raised Him up on the third day from the grave with all power giving you a new life, saving you and giving you victory over death. If you believe and confess that than you are saved!
God desires you to live a holy, healed and blessed life filled with purpose, hope and love, but we must repent And turn to Him and accept Jesus!

Don't allow your situations, or sins to keep you from having that intimate relationship and the abundant life God has made provision for you to have through Jesus, stop having sex outside of marriage, smoking, drinking, lying, being deceitful,slandering others, cheating, robbing or killing, You are sooo much more than that and soooo valuable to God and He Desires you!

Blessings in Jesus name
Michelle Ragland
Gods Anointed Women of the World
Kingdom Restorers Ministry International
For Prayer: 252-425-3773